

History Of Grand Order Of Bantilan

The History 

Grand order of Sultan Bantilan was established formally in 2015 in Jolo, Sulu. This order was awarded as to all members of the royal house and the royal officer who served in the royal house of maharaja adinda aranan of sulu whether local or foreign. This Order is called to commemorate the founder of the royal family of Aranan, His Majesty Sultan Bantilan Muizuddin who had ascended the throne and rule the kingdom sulu.

This Order is awarded to a particular member of the royal house and the royal officer only, and not open to outsiders. As for who like to get this order shall be served on the royal house as a royal officer in whatever field that have space service in the royal house.

This Order is unlike any other in which consists of several classes and level, and also by the degree of achievement in rank and title. The Order has a decoration, emblem, medal, royal sash and official diploma by classes which carries the traditional title of the royal house.

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