

Internal Affair

Council Of Internal Affair,
The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan,
(Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam)

Council of Internal Affairs, under the Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan was founded in 2009 after obtaining the consent of the royal house. Council of internal affair hosted in arranging the affairs of the leaders and people of Sulu.

History of establishment

Immediately after the royal house reform back in 2009 as occurred among the heirs of the royal family dispute with some leader of sulu, then the royal council established the Council of Internal Affairs for the purpose of re-uniting the sultanate heirs and also the leader of the sulu people.

Role of Council of Internal Affair :

1. Unite leaders and peoples of Sulu
2. Develop a program for the mission to uphold solidarity in Sulu
3. Promoting the rule of peoples nationalism movement which based secure and peaceful
4. Assist in implementing all matters related to internal in Sulu
5. Helping heirs of the royal family of Aranan to be representative of the people of Sulu to negotiate with all parties, whether local and international levels.

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The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, Royal Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam