

Heir And Successor

Heirs And Succesors

Use of the terms of the word "heirs and successors" (And The heirs succesors) is not the word Heiress Or Successors (Or The heirs successors) within the territory of North Borneo lease agreement in 1878 that actually has a hidden meaning. This matter is raised by Prof. Dr. Nicholas Tarling in his book "And Sulu Sabah" on page 329, the difficulty of dismantling the surrender of the British North Borneo Territory Rental payments for "Heir And Successors" to the Sulu Sultanate, as the requirements of the lease agreement after the death of Sultan Jamalul Kiram-II in 1936 ..

Nine heirs of the Sultan of Sulu claimed on rental payments area of North Borneo, led by Dayang-Dayang Hjh. Piandao, 7 of them were women. In which the British also acknowledge that in the Sultanate of Sulu institutions, the women can only be regarded as an "heirs" but not as a "successors" to the Sulu Sultanate. And 2 were male heirs is Sultan Esmail Kiram-I and Datu Punjungan Kiram, but also can be considered as an heirs, but not as well as a successors to the Sultanate of Sulu. Because the British have been mindful of that, the President Manuel L. Quezon in the Philippines has been declared to not recognize (non-recognition) to any person whatsoever to successors of Sultan Jamalul-Kiram-II. (This implies that, none of the Kiram family lineage in particular, and the descendants of "First Witness" Sultanate of Sulu in general, which can be recognized as a "bridging" the Sultan Jamalul-Kiram-II) ..

In view of the Sulu Sultanate institutions is not repealed, it would have stated in the Sultanate of Sulu heirs who are eligible and entitled to resume the Sultanate of Sulu that institution. So, this is the function of the existence of The Sultanate of Sulu Family Heirs, namely, Maharajah Adinda Aranan Family. If referring to the Tartib (Protocol) The Sultanate of Sulu, the throne should be rotated between the first Heirs and Heiress The Sultanate of Sulu.

Thus, by placing second Heirs (Maharajah Adinda Aranan Family) to claim the right lease fee that the territory of North Borneo, then of course have to meet the requirements of the lease agreement which has been identified that, the Second Heirs (Maharajah Adinda Aranan Family) is also a one Heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu as absolute rights of the First Witness. Unfortunately at that time (1936 - 1939), none of the Second Heirs (Maharajah Adinda Aranan Family) that appear to make a claim. With the push for the demands of the "nine heirs" who claim the lease payments the North Borneo territory, eventually forced the Court of Borneo (judges Makaskie CFC) a recognition of the "9 heirs" are as entitled to an annual lease payment of the territory of North Borneo .

However, the family "second Heiress" (Maharajah Adinda Aranan Family) is still entitled to all rights in the Sultanate of Sulu (if demanded). The 9 Heirs of the sultanate of Sulu was able to claim the right lease payment on the territory of North Borneo alone, however, claims sovereignty over the territory of the Sultanate of Sulu rights only in the hands of the Second Heirs (Maharajah Adinda Aranan Family) only ..
The English Translate Version Of lease agreements Region North Borneo in 1878, is accompanied by Mr. Teodoro A. Agoncillo, in his "History of the Filipino Peoples" on page 266. Where, in the translation of the agreement, the words Heirs And Successors (And The heirs successors) has been used 4 times. This reinforces the fact that the use of the terms of the word heirs and the relevance of the lease agreement does have meanings.

The Document Of North Borneo Leased translate to English which contains 4 times of words "Heirs And Successors"


First: The Sultan Jamalul A'zam @ Ahlam understand and acknowledge that the Sultanate of Sulu practice rotation system between the two heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu, as set out in the Protocol System or Tartib Sultanate of Sulu.

Second: His Majesty Sultan Jamalul A'zam @ Ahlam also understand, that in the future later, there are so many Heirs to the Sultanate of Sulu from both beneficiaries and those who want to be a Successor to Sultanate of Sulu. So to avoid conflict in the demands for rights in the territory of the Sultanate of Sulu, North Borneo, the terms word Heirs And Successors has he applied, and do not use terms or words Heirs as successors. The use of the word Heirs And Successors in the Lease Agreement will be restricted to claims of rights in the territory of North Borneo by the Heirs or the Successors to the Sultanate of Sulu in the future. Because, only those who have been designated as heirs and at the same time can be a Successors according to the Sulu Sultanate Protocol System or Tartib Sultanate of Sulu. Clearly the declaration no longer recognition of the Sultanate of Sulu Family First Heirs by President Manuel L. Quezon in the Memorandum of 20 September 1937, has further strengthened the fact that the rights of the First Heirs to the Sultanate of Sulu was no longer recognized, so that they can no longer act as a Successors to the Sultanate of Sulu. Rights as heirs to the Sultanate of Sulu and relevance only in the hands of the family of the Sultanate of Sulu, the Second Heirs, Maharajah Adinda Aranan Family, as the Sultanate of Sulu was not repealed ..

Third: Or even possible, Sultan Jamalul A'zam @ Ahlam really want to be the family of the Second Heirs, a descendant of Maharajah Adinda Sultan Muhammad Aranan / Adanan Puyo for the right to claim on the leased territory of North Borneo, as a sign repay , as above for the influence and assistance of the Maharajah Adinda Sultan Mohammad Aranan / Adanan Puyo he can finally sit on the throne of the Sultanate of Sulu in 1862, although he has been matched by the Datu Daniel (Datu Amir Bahar) ..

Thus, the use of words in the Heirs And Successors on the Lease Agreement North Borneo Region - 1878 already contains the implicit purpose, which never occurred to anyone before.
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