

The Evidence

Symbol of Arms As Evidence

THE FOLLOWING is an explanation fact of the increase in the Sultanate of Sulu throne :
To recognize the "Royal Family of Sulu" have seen before, "Symbol of Arms" in the flag of the Sultanate of Sulu. Have you seen the flag of the Sultanate of Sulu? In the Sulu Sultanate flag is a symbol of a dagger (Represent Kiram Families) and the symbol of the booth (Represent Shakiraullah Family). Kris and Booth was placed "crossover", because this family is a family of so-called "First Heirs" (The first heir-apparents) descended from (brother), Sultan Azimuddin @ Alimuddin, son of Sultan Badaruddin-I-I (First wife of Sultan Badaruddin -I, Soopeng Lady from Sulawesi).
In the flag there is also a symbol of "Bujak / Spear", a symbol of the Maharaja Adinda Aranan Family, also known as "The Second Heirs Apparent of the Family" descendants, Sultan Bantilan Muizuddin ibn Sultan Badaruddin-I (Second wife of Sultan Badaruddin-I, from Tidung of Borneo). [1]
Did people ask why the Sultanate of Sulu is "The Heiress"? Did people think, why in football players have two reserve players? More or less the same functions, the Sultanate of Sulu has create the Second Heir as "Rescue and relevance" to the Sulu Sultanate where the right end at the hands of the First Witness.
This means that, although there is consider the Sultanate of Sulu has expired or repealed for a number of agreements made by the Family Of Kiram (First Heirs) has considered selling the country, but the right of the Sultanate of Sulu was in fact can not be repealed, as the heir to both still exist and still have the right of the Sultanate of Sulu Region (This is a fact that must be understood).
On the question of increase in the Sulu throne, Book Of Sulu Sultanate Protocol Tartib should be reviewed (Tartib Book). In the Sultanate of Sulu Tartib protocol or, in-state, the Sultan of Sulu is not necessarily reduce the monarchy to the child or the Son. The Sulu Sultanate system is different from the Sultanate of Brunei systems (although the two are brothers Sultanate). [2]
There are four explanations mentioned in the course of ascent to the throne to become the Sultan of Sulu. As described by Prof. Cesar Adib Majul in his book (Islam in the Philippines) as the throne of the rotation cycle 3 Sulu Royal Family, which he marked as A, B and C. (This is what we understand as a family Kiram, Shakiraullah & Aranan). [3]
Should be understood that, did not allow the Sulu Sultanate throne forever and is controlled and monopolized by the Kiram family and Shakiraullah (First Heirs). Like what they did from 1862 until now the heir to the sideline (Family Maharajah Adinda Aranan) seems to have no rights to the Sulu throne? [4] Has the person said, "Families who have caused the Sultanate of Sulu Destroy (deemed repealed)?" The answer is, first of all Thy Heir King.
Now, according to the function, the heir to the Second King who would be asserting its rescue, revive and resume the legacy of the Sultanate of Sulu, the Sultanate of Sulu, a new one. Because of the old Sultanate of Sulu was ended at the hands of the first Heirs after the death of Sultan Jamalul Kiram-II in 1936. He did not have children (see record PAWCI from CA-USA, and a statement of Prof. Nicholas Tarling in his Book Sulu and Sabah). Since the year 1862 until 1936, the throne of Sulu is monopolized by the Heir of the Family First Heirs. If the statement refers to the first President of the Philippines Manuel L. Quezon, which he did not intend to abolish the Sultanate of Sulu, but he will not recognize anyone as an extension of the Sultan Jamalul-Kiram-II (ie relevance of all Kiram Families or Families First Heirs). This means that the second Heirs is the exception.
Heir And Successors

Did people ask why the document "North Borneo Lease" in 1878, the word heirs and Successors (The Heirs and successors) 4 times he applied in the agreement? Why not use the word "heirs or Successors (The Heirs or successors)? (The matter was raised by Prof. Nicholas Tarling in his book, Sulu and Sabah). The answer, as the Sultan Jamalul A'zam and his cabinet wanted to limit any claim to rights over North Borneo in the future. Of course, he wanted only the Royal Family of Sulu, who qualified just the right amount for the claim of North Borneo. And that is Sulu Royal Families must meet the requirements of the word as a beneficiary and at the same time be entitled to an extension of the Sultanate of Sulu, according to the Sultanate of Sulu Tartib or protocol.
Keep in mind, Sultan Jamalul A'zam have to ascend the throne of the Sultanate of Sulu is in the support of "Grandfather" Maharaja Adinda Sultan Mohammad Aranan / Adanan Puyo son Datu Paduka Raja Muda Bantilan ibn Sultan Azimuddin @ Alimuddin-II ibn Sultan Bantilan Muizzuddin Ibn Sultan Badaruddin-I, was with him willingly down from the throne of Sulu after occupying the throne for one week only. At that time, the throne of Sulu also matched by Datu Amir Bahar (Datu Daniel). But with the support and the strong influence of the Sultan Muhammad Aranan / Adanan Puyo, Sultan Jamalul A'zam successfully enthrone as a Sultan Of Sulu eventually.
Prof. Cesar has explained:

"In September 1862, Sultan Pulalun died. The throne he had given to his father's brother, Datu Aranan, that when youth are aspiring for the throne. However, he rejected the monarchy has been the reason that he is too old and not rich. That throne was handed over to Jamalul Azam, a son of Sultan Pulalun ... .... Datu Daniel wishes to his son-in-law Datu Jamalul Kiram, grandson of the Sultan Shakirullah become sultan. But Datu Aranan intervene in the matter in Spanish as well as the refusal to show any sympathetic to the cause of Datu Daniel led most datus, Jamalul Azam proclaimed as Sultan. "[5]
Perhaps, as a reward to both Brother Of Grandfather (Sultan Muhammad Aranan / Adanan Puyo), the Sultan Jamalul A'zam indeed desire for future Of family of Maharaja Adinda Aranan (The Heiress) just to be "qualified" claim on North Borneo, where the right The first Heirs repealed.
Since the first Heirs rights were deemed repealed since the death of Sultan Jamalul-Kiram-II in 1936, it inherited the rights transferred by the sultanate of Sulu "Tartib or protocol" is the second heir to the family (Maharaja Adinda Aranan Family). Because the family is a legitimate heir to the Sultanate of Sulu and at the same time qualified to be an extension of the Sultanate of Sulu.
This is consistent with the words that he applied in the agreement "lease" of North Borneo in 1878, said the heir, and succesors (The Heirs and successors). So, "9-Heirs Relative" that claim the heritage of the British Government on an annual rental fee of North Borneo in 1936-1939, led by Dayang Hjh Piandao and the other 8 are not qualified.
This is because, seven of those people are women. In the Sultanate of Sulu, they may be received as a beneficiary (The Heirs), but they can not be a Successors to the Sultanate of Sulu, because they are "women". Two more people were Sultan Esmail-Kiram-I and Datu Punjungan Kiram, may only be received as a beneficiary (The Heirs) but can not be a the successors, because the right heir of the First Family has ended with the death of Sultan Kiram Jamalul- II with no children (infertile), and the throne for so long monopolized by the First Heirs family.
And if according to the Sulu Sultanate Protocol tartib, Throne switch and become the Second Heirs Family (Maharaja Adinda Aranan). These are facts that must be understood.
Tartib Sulu Sultanate Protocol should be followed because there exists protocol in the sultanate, anywhere in the world. Meaningful since the 1936, the Sultanate of Sulu throne should belong to the family of Maharaja Adinda Aranan heirs and Successors (The Heirs and Succesors) to the Sultanate of Sulu.
Unfortunately, since 1936 none of the family of Maharaja Adinda Aranan appear to claim the rights to the Sultanate of Sulu, because of the "blind item and Poverty." So something must be done starting in 1970’s, Maharaja Adinda Aranan Family has been performing to claim their rights and 2004,through the creation of the Royal Council of Sulu "Rumah Bichara" in the middle of the Sulu and are now trying to get the support and confidence of the people of Sulu to do community work to the extent they can afford.
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The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, Royal Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam