

The Grand Order Of Bantilan

 Grand Order Of Sultan Bantilan Muizuddin
The Royal House Maharaja Adinda Aranan
Royal Hashemite Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam

ART.1 - The Grand Order Of Sultan Bantilan Muizuddin, the Sultanate of Sulu Darul Islam, intended for foreigners and citizens of Philippines who contribute to the development, wellbeing and prestige of the Royal House of Aranan all over the world, is hereby established.

ART.2 - The Grand Master of the Royal Order is The Head Of The Royal House

ART.3 - The order includes three classes of Knights, three classes of traditional titles, Dames and one Medal called “The Royal House of Maharaja Adinda Aranan”;

Yang Di Pertua (Great Collar) :
1.         reserve for the Head of the Order
2.         traditional title Yang Di Pertua Keluarga Di Raja Keluarga Maharaja Adinda Aranan (PBMM)

Datu Laksamana (Grand Commander)
-           traditional title of Datu Laksamana Di Raja

Datu Panglima (Commander)
-           traditional title of Datu Panglima Di Raja

Datu Paduka (Knight)
-           traditional title of Datu Paduka Di Raja

Dayang Panglima-Paduka (Ladies of Honor- Ladies of Merit)
-           traditional title of Dayang Panglima/Paduka Di Raja

Three classes of traditional titles of the Sultanate (that have to be chosen by the Royal House to add to the statute)

ART.4 - The Order has a board composed by the Grand Master and five counselors chosen by the Grand Master of the Order, including the Prince of the Royal House of Aranan. Each Royal Prince Chosen will be entitled to the rank of Grand Commander. The task for the counselors chosen will last 5 years, renewable for two other terms.

ART.5 - For the good operation of the Order, the Grand Master of the Order itself appoints a Royal Chancellor, Grand Council and a General Secretary, who will keep a roll of the members. Each selected Personality is entitled to the rank of Grand Commander. The duration of the tasks is five years, renewable for two other terms. The first Grand Chancellor of this Order, chosen by the Sultan, will be the Chancellor of the Royal House Datu Paduka Di Raja Dr. Cav. mrg Knight of Liberia Vincenzo Cortese. His task will last 5 years, renewable for two other terms (the Chancellor can issue the diplomas, with consent from HRH Datu Muhammidul Ali Al Mahmun Aranan, PBMM).

ART.6 - The Headquarter of the Order is at Grand Master’s House.

ART.7 - People must be at least 25 years of age to enter the Order.

ART.8 - A Secretariat of the Order will record the name of the people awarded with the various ranks of the Order itself.

ART.9 - The Emblem of the Order is golden medal, bearing the symbol of the Royal House of Aranan.

ART. 10 - The shape and details of the decorations will be established with a decree.

ART.11 - In consultation with the members of the Council, The Grand Master of the Order may issue regulations in addition to the statutes of the Order for its good operation.

Establishment of the Medal called “The Grand Order Of Sultan Bantilan Muizuddin”

The medal of merit of the Royal House of Aranan, is given for high services towards the Royal House.

It includes three classes:

1.      First Class

 Darjah Kerabat Sultan Bantilan (DKSB),
1.      Traditional Title Of Datu Maharaja (male) and Dayang Pangian (female)
2.      awarded to Heads of State, Kings, Sultans, Royal Princes, Religious Leaders.

2.      Second-class

Darjah Panglima Sultan Bantilan Muizuddin (DPSB)
1.      Traditional title Of Datu Panglima (male) and Dayang Panglima (female)
2.      medal, given to Ministers, Ambassadors, General Consuls, Consuls, Generals, Scientists and leading figures in academia.

 3.                  Third class

Darjah Mahkota Sultan Bantilan Muizuddin (DMSB)
1.      Traditional Title of Datu Paduka (male) and Dayang Paduka (female)
2.       Medal, awarded to all persons who contribute to the development, welfare, prestige, and knowledge of the Royal House of Aranan all over the World.

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The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, Royal Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam