

The Decorations And Insignia

The Royal Order Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan
(Darjah Kalalaggu'an Sin Maharaja Adinda Aranan)

Article 1: - The Royal Order of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, or traditionally known as Darjah Kebesaran Di Raja Keluarga Maharaja Adinda Aranan, is intended for foreigners and citizens of the Philippines who have contributed to the development, wellbeing and prestige of the Royal House of Aranan, all over the world, is hereby established.

Article 2: - The Grand Master of the Royal Order is The Head of The Royal House.

Article 3: - The Order includes the following classes of Knights, Dames, and Medals of Solidarity:

a: The Grand Collar,
this is reserved, solely, for the Head of the Order it carries the traditional title of (Yang Di Pertua Keluarga Di Raja Maharaja Adinda Aranan (PBMM).

b: Grand Commander,
this carries the traditional title of (Datu Laksamana Di Raja).

c: Grand Officer,
this carries the traditional title of (Datu Paduka Di Raja).

d: Commander,
carries the traditional title of (Laksamana).

this carries the traditional title of (Paduka).

f: Knight,
this carries the traditional title of (Panglima).

g: Ladies of Honour and Ladies of Merit,
carry the traditional title of (Dayang Paduka).

Article 4: - The Order has a Board comprising the Grand Master and five Counselors, each chosen by the Grand Master of the Order, including the Prince of the Royal House of Aranan. Each Royal Prince chosen, will be entitled to the rank of Grand Commander. The task for the Counselors chosen will last for a 5 year term, which can be renewed for a following two terms.

Article 5: - For the wellbeing and protection of the Order, the Grand Master, appoints, a Grand Chancellor, and a General Secretary, both of whom will keep a Roll of the Members. Each person selected, is entitled to the rank of Grand Officer. The duration of which lasts for five years, reneweable for two other terms.

Article 6: - The Headquarters of the Order is at the Grand Master’s residence.

Article 7: - Persons must be at least 21 years of age to become Members of the Order.

Article 8: - A Secretariat of the Order will record the names of those persons bestowed with the various ranks of the Order itself.

Article 9: - The Emblem of the Order is a five-pointed star of golden metal, bearing the symbol of the Royal House of Aranan.

Article 10: - The shape and details of the Decorations will be established by Royal Decree.

Article 11: - In consultation with the members of the Council, The Grand Master of the Order may issue regulations in addition to the Statutes of the Order for its efficient wellbeing. The establishment of The Medal of Merit, The Royal House of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, is given for the highest services towards the Royal House. It consists of three classes.

The Establishment Of The Medal Of Merit, The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan

The medal of merit of the Royal House of Aranan, is given for high services towards the Royal House.
It includes three classes:

First Class Medal (Gold Medal)
  1. Darjah Kerabat Di Raja Sulu (DKDRS),
  2. Traditional Title Of Datu Mulia (male) and Dayang Mulia (female)
  3. awarded to Heads of State, Kings, Sultans, Royal Princes, Religious Leaders.

Second-class (Silver Medal)
  1. Darjah Anugerah Utama Di Raja Sulu (DAUDRS)
  2. Traditional title Of Datu Anugerah Utama (male) and Dayang Anugerah Utama (female)
  3. medal, given to Ministers, Ambassadors, General Consuls, Consuls, Generals, Scientists and leading figures in academia.


Third class (Bronze Medal)
  1. 1. Darjah Rakyat Setia (DRS)
  2. 2. Traditional Title of Datu Raayat Setia (male) and Dayang Raayat Setia (female)
  3. 3. Medal, awarded to all persons who contribute to the development, welfare, prestige, and knowledge of the Royal House of Aranan all over the World.

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The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, Royal Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam