

History Of The Royal Order Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan

History Of The Royal Order Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan

The Royal Order of Maharaja Adinda Aranan was established in 2011, founded by HRH Datu Muhammidul Ali Aranan. After the reform of the royal house in 2009, the royal council had agreed to establish the royal order bestowing to the individuals who have contribute to the development of Sulu and its people.

The royal order was taken from the name of His Majesty Maharaja Adinda Sultan Muhammad Aranan Puyo (Ruler Of Sulu 1862) commemorating the struggle history of Sulu and inherent the rule of the second heir to the Sultanate of Sulu. In history, Sultan Muhammad Aranan Puyo has been raised many Sulu powerful and famous warrior in opposing the colonial spanish in Sulu Kingdom. These awards make mention of uplift in the royal family to the individual who great contribute to sulu.

The Royal Order were started to introducing and initiating the award in 2011, based in Rome, Italy and some other countries in Europe. HRH Datu Muhammidul Aranan as the Grandmaster (Yang Di Pertua) and the first appointed Honorable Royal Chancellor, His Excellency Datu Panglima Di Raja Dr.Vincenzo Cortese.

In collaboration with several organizations in rome has helped launch this award. And to this day, members of the royal order mostly the most important individuals in the world. With the cooperation of all parties, the royal order have become the first state honor for the kingdom of sulu which has been accepted at the international level.
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The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, Royal Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam