
» » The Royal House Project To Develop School in Sulu For The Better Future

The Royal House Project To Develop School in Sulu For The Better Future

Kingdom of sulu are among the country that having with problems mainly related to education. This is due to the turbulent political situation in the region that has affected all aspects including education. Regarding this issue, The Royal Family Of Aranan has established a body among family members to identify all problems related to education in Sulu.

photo : school in Sulu which has a shortage of educational equipment and basic infrastructure

Among the problems that occurred was the absence of formal school as an educational center to sulu people, especially children and adolescents. Similarly, adults who also lost education. With this based, The Royal Family Of Aranan plans to set up a formal educational institution in sulu, but this will not be realized without the help of the community to join together to assist the implementation of projects such as school construction and repair of schools that are already obsolete.

photo : His Highness The Head (right) discuss with the headmaster of the school in sulu

Recently, The Royal Family chaired by HRH Datu Muhammidul Ali have visited sulu people and reviewed educational centers available but very disappointing because most of the existing schools are already outdated and needs reform. In addition, the school that already established by the Philippine government has many shortcomings in terms of educational tools and basic infrastructure.

photo : School in sulu, almost destroyed because of outdated

His Highness will try to discuss with the authorities and the Philippine government to try to ask for help from all including NGOs, corporations and politicians in sulu whether in home or foreign to re-establish and provide all education equipment to help sulu people raise their standard of education that were very far behind.

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The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, Royal Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam