
» » Head Of Royal Family Visit Siasi & Laminusa Island

Head Of Royal Family Visit Siasi & Laminusa Island

Jolo, Sulu - His Royal Highness the head of the royal family visits to Siasi and Laminusa Island to meet with people of sulu in that archipelago, which has thousands of people who have economic problems and do not have a fixed income.

photo : the group of the royal family visit the island

His Royal highness visit with a group, had met with people of the islands, while providing humanitarian aid. In addition to meeting with people, His Highness also visited religious centers, education centers, and markets to generate economic income.

photo : education center in Siasi & Laminusa Island

The Royal Family of Aranan will try to find funds for basic infrastructure development assistance to the average population that is deficient in raising the standard of living of the population that is not far behind compared to other people in the region.

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The Royal House Of Maharaja Adinda Aranan, Royal Sultanate Of Sulu Darul Islam