
» » The President Republic Of Gambia Receive The Highest Title From The Royal House

The President Republic Of Gambia Receive The Highest Title From The Royal House

Royal News
Thursday - 05 April 2012

Heartiest Congratulations to :

His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya Jammeh
(The President Republic Of Gambia) 
has been awarded the prestigious, 'FIRST CLASS GOLD MEDAL, DARJAH KERABAT DI RAJA SULU (DKDRS)', by the Royal House of Aranan, a royal family in the Sultanate of Sulu Dar al-Islam in the Southern Philippines.

from the desk of the president : 


The Gambian leader, His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh, has been awarded the prestigious ‘First Class Gold Medal or Datu Mulia’, by the Royal House of Aranan, a Royal family in the Sultanate of Sulu Dar al-Islam in the southern Philippines.

According to a letter signed by Datu dr. cav. Mrg Vincenzo Cortese, chancellor of the Royal House of Aranan, the award is in recognition of President Jammeh’s laudable achievements in the areas of traditional medicine, culture and in the diffusion of love, peace and brotherhood.

The letter revealed that President Jammeh is the sixth recipient of this prestigious award usually given to Heads of State, Kings, Sultans, Royal Princes and Religious leaders.

Below is the full text of the letter:

In the name of H.R.H. Datu Muhammidul Ali Al-Mahmun Aranan (Head of Royal House Aranan) and on behalf of the Royal House Aranan, I am sending the most sincere congratulations and greetings of Peace, Wellness and Prosperity and the best wishes of Good Health to Your Excellency, the Noble Family of Your Excellency and to all the Noble people of The Gambia that under Your Wisdom is certainly living with Justice, Harmony and Peace offering to all the Tourism not only a wonderful Country but a very friendly republic made by Men and Women with clean hearts.

The proud Republic of The Gambia, under the enlightened, spiritual, religious leadership, teachings and protection of Your Excellency, Protector of the True Believers, is reaching the most higher levels in all the sectors, in the religious sector, in the professional sector, in the cultural sector, in the business sector. The National Development is becoming great under the enlightened Management of Your Excellency.

I am sending to Your Excellency the History of the Royal House, with the Statute of the Dynastic Order concerting the Royal Family of H.R.N. Datu Muhammidul Ali Al-Mahmun, Aranan. H.R.H Datu Muhammidul Ali Al-Mahmun, Aranan (Head of Royal House Aranan), Grand Master of the Order named “The Royal Order of Maharaja Adinda Aranan”, asked me to send to Your Excellency the Diploma and the Medal of First Class of the Order.

We have the firm belief that the Grace of Allah will protect for ever Your Excellency because His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya Abdul-Azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh Nassiru Deen, President of the Republic of The Gambia, was ever engaged and is still engaged in helping every suffering man and woman with needs and problems.

We have the firm belief that if Your Excellency is the most honourable president of the Republic of The Gambia, this is because Allah has pre-destined Your Excellency to lead and protect the Nation of The Gambia, because Your Excellency is a Man of God.

The enemies of Your Excellency attacked Your Honourable willing to treat, with prayers and with the unique and original therapy regarding the Traditional Medicine, by Herbal Medicine, patients with HIV, ARC, Aids but everybody knows that the western medicine are coming from the herbs, plants, trees, roots and that the noble and ancient African traditional medicine can surely offer a very low cost treatment to the poor patients unable to afford the very expensive western medications, so many times giving also terrible side effects.

Following the Muslim wisdom we remember Bukhari: Book 7: Volume 71: Hadith 582 The Prophet Muhammad said, “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment.”

A prayer (Salat) to God, to the Lord, to Allah can only give relief and peace to a suffering man and psychologically a Man can only receive a great relief when is realizing that a Man of God, the President of the Nation, as a lovely Father, is taking care of him.This is a very good example of the Humanity of the Medicine that so many times, in the western countries, is missing, because the relationship between the Doctor and the Patient is not anymore between “Humans” but something similar to a cold relationship, without friendship, counseling, humanity, only something of automatic.

Muslims are often depicted as being fanatical or extreme for simply following the basic tenants of Islam, like the prayer and this is a shame. The point is that Atheist and enemies of the Republic of the nation of Islam cannot accept the Your Excellency before a treatment and before every act of life is thanking the Almighty Allah.

We should all remember that the treatment of HIV/ ARC / AIDS require passion and sympathy for the patients.From the very beginning, Your Excellency had based the approach to the treatment of HIV / ARC / AIDS on these two ethical principles.That is why, during the patients’ treatment, Your Excellency, showing a great humanity, with utmost humility, in person apply the medication on the bodies of the patients, touching them, consoling them and re-assuring them that their problems are over as his treatment is certain to eliminate the disease from their system.

Your Excellency is a God-fearing man and the Love of Your Excellency for Humanity is immeasurable.Indeed, it is important that Your Excellency is curing people with HIV / ARC / AIDS not because of money, wealth, power or fame but purely as a God-fearing person and for the true, immense, Huge, Endless love for humanity.All Your Excellency does in life, is to please the Almighty Allah and all Gambians can testify to the religious piety of Your Excellency, as a pure Muslim who is constantly praying to Allah and permanently with the Holy Quran as the better companion for life.

Accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and my deepest esteem.

Datu dr. cav. Mrg vincenzo Cortese

Chancellor of the Royal House of Aranan

Author: Daily Observer
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